Sunday 17 November 2013

The Englishman in paperback - nearly!

Yes, you read it correctly, The Englishman is very, very nearly out in paperback.

When I received the proof copy in the post last Thursday, I felt quite emotional. This is the first time one of my novels is in proper print, ink on paper, and the feeling of holding my own written words in my hands (or arms, I was hugging the book at this point!) was overwhelming.

When, later, I spoke with Big Sis over Skype about how proud I felt about the book, but also silly for being so emotional (I was again pressing the novel to my chest), she very wisely said, 'Of course you feel like that! You're realising your dreams!'

I've been thinking about her comment since, whilst dealing with some last minute issues with the printed copy. Those words have given me strength and a belief that I am indeed doing the right thing.

Once the small hitches have been ironed out, I'll be able to give you a final publishing date. Hold the front page!

For those of you who can't wait for the paperback copy, The Englishman is already available on Kindle. Just click on picture below.

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